
Showing posts from September, 2013

After you die...

I saw this billboard yesterday on I-55 and it got me to thinking... you too? What are your thoughts?

Of maps and travelling companions

This weekend I was using a map - an honest to goodness, there's not enough room to open it in this front car seat space and good luck ever getting it refolded to any semblance of it's original neatness  kind of a map.  It was weird, but had a comforting familiarity about it that I don't have with my GPS. I plotted where we were and where we were headed; saw the various options and made choices. I had a pretty good overview of the whole drive albeit I did miss the "You are Here" pinpoint accuracy of the peg on the GPS road display... Springing off the page this morning was Psalm 139:3 "You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am." There is a confidence in having a map and knowing how the road turns, of planning a way to get from Point A to B and having a rough idea of how long it will take to make the trip. God's done that for my life. It's also very reassuring to know exactly w...