Authoritative Headgear

I have a group of girlfriends with whom we celebrate each other’s birthdays. We have our very own birthday tiara, which the birthday girl has to wear while we are at the restaurant signifying to everyone around us that she is someone special. (and yes, we do get many second looks)
Although we do not have a queen, that serenely waves as her carriage is escorted down Main Street USA, we are familiar with the concept of sovereignty.
Our music is filled with references to God as king and that we are to “crown him with many crowns.” We know that God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
What I find amazing however is that although God is King he does not overtake the throne of my heart by force.
He waits until I finally come to the realization that He is God and that I am not and that He is the one capable of ruling my life and that I must take the crown from my head and put it on His. I must be the one who crowns him as king.
How I would love to say that this was for me a one-time deal; but what I find is that it’s more of a daily rite of devotion. (And I use that word intentionally for we are familiar with it as
"devotions" a time of Bible reading and prayer but do we remember what the word devotion actually is attesting to?)
Each morning I find myself stepping up to the throne ready to control my day and my destiny and then at some point I realize, yet again, that I have made myself monarch.
How I love that God, although he is King, does not come to me as despot but waits until I willingly step down from the dais, remove the crown from my own head and place it on his. There is no overthrowing of our government by his forces. He waits until we willingly make Him Lord and gives us that choice.
And then there are the times that the King of my Life asks of me something I am unwilling to do and I snatch back the crown because I know a better or easier way, until I fail and finally acknowledge that His will is ultimately for my good and again crown him the almighty sovereign God.
King of my life
I crown thee now
Thine shall the glory be…
That crown is in your hands, right now, and every moment of every day; on whose head will it be placed?