
Showing posts from July, 2010 we!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is a minute of a video clip? Today was the annual swim and dive competition at the Lake Geneva Beach Association and this was the diving contest. Meet Chloe, seven years old and this is her first dive. What you're about to see had already been going on with some variation for almost two minutes already... (If the video doesn't come through on the email feed try clicking here to see it on the webpage - She started and stopped and started and ....well, you saw and get the picture. She reminded me of myself when I set out to do something I know I should; or when I'm starting a new venture. now....or.....maybe not. The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust. Psalms 103:13,14 H...

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Hot. Humid. Oppressive. The type of day when you start sweating the moment you walk out the door. A day filled with the regular somewhat tedious stuff that makes up a typical 24 hours; nothing great or awful but the constant oppression of the heat draining every last reserve of patience and contentment. A peeling off of sweat drenched socks and heavy shoes and then… …and then bare feet taking a short walk off a springy board and a sudden enveloping of coolness and instant sensation of relief. A glass of cold water wasn’t enough, a wet washrag over the face and back of the neck was not sufficient, it took plunging in and lingering under to find respite. There are times that the temperature at which life is running is so high that it drains us of everything we’ve got and all measures of relief fall short of refreshment. When perhaps what restores us normally – taking a break, time with a friend, or entertaining media barely assuages the burning core. Oh that we could plunge into the reju...