Really? You're in a tux?

I'm getting a tuxedo ready for my 15 year old son.

And I can't believe it.

I had no idea he'd be in a position to wear one so soon!

And I wonder...
I wonder what clothes God has in store for us for positions He knows we'll soon be filling.
Will it be the suit of a speaker or the soft sweater of a grandparent, the shoes of one with a mission or an outfit paired with coffee for a time of listening?

What are His plans?
What is He preparing for us?

The Bible talks of God preparing a place for us in heaven (John 14), but what does He have in mind for us to finish before we arrive at home?

When my son steps out with his violin at the concert he will be prepared,in his skill set and with the proper attire.

What attire is God preparing for you?
And how is He preparing you for it?


Unknown said…
I really like this illustration of being clothed in preparation for the task. I prayed that I am always dressed and ready for anything God calls me to do. Many blessings!

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