A Christmas invitation for you

Last January I came across the website  http://myoneword.org/.
The concept is fairly simple, instead of making a long list of resolutions for the coming year choose ONE WORD. As they said "This process provides clarity by taking all of your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single thing."

So I tried it. I chose a word and, although my attention to it waxed and waned through the months, it truly has provided a clear focus.

My invitation to us is not as ambitious, but just as important.

Let's choose a word to meditate on this month, up to and including all the Christmas festivities and then afterwards as we head into a new year.

What will you focus on this season?
Not what will you do this season as that list is endless; but where will your heart focus?

Will it be on






My word (as illustrated) is Emmanuel, because despite all and through all I want to focus on the fact that  is He is God with us.
Jesus - Creator God- took the form of fallen man. He came as a baby so that He could grow, to die, for my sin, so that I could be ever  with Him - both in this life and the life to come.

Emmanuel when lists are long and time is short.
Emmanuel when materialism threatens to steal my eyes and  frantic activity my peace.
Emmanuel whether I am joyful in a crowd or feeling all alone.
Emmanuel as He will never leave or forsake me (Heb. 13:5)

Will you join me?
Will you choose a word for yourself this month and let it take root and flourish in your heart finding it wherever you go this season?

If you'd be so kind,will you add it to the comments section so that we can take this journey together?
May God bless us as we journey to the manger keeping our eyes on Him!


Kristen said…
Thanks for sharing! That's a really neat concept!
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, Becky. I forgot all about this.

My word for the year was wait. I cannot begin to tell you how appropriate that was for me this year.

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