Two observations from being sick
The past three days have been a blur of curling up on anything stationary and simple tasks, as my daughter shared her cold with me and I, being an overachiever, took it to the next level... A few things, however; did penetrate the fog 1. One should NEVER shop for cold medicine while sick - expectorant? decongestant? cough and cold? cold and flu? daytime? nighttime? extended release? capsules? brand name? generic? Tylenol? Aspirin? Augh....! There is no sight more pathetic than a glassy-eyed sick person in the medicine aisle. 2. Being sick seriously alters your perspective. It was a beautiful fall weekend - like jeans and sweatshirts, every tree doing it's best to outshine the others- kind of perfect. I saw these people enjoying the day, walking their dogs, raking leaves, cutting grass, standing around laughing and I, although watching it, couldn't comprehend it. I felt so lousy it was hard to believe that people could have that much energy. ...