Two observations from being sick

The past three days have been a blur of curling up on anything stationary and simple tasks, as my daughter shared her cold with me and I, being an overachiever, took it to the next level...

A few things, however; did penetrate the fog

1. One should NEVER shop for cold medicine while sick - expectorant? decongestant? cough and cold? cold and flu? daytime? nighttime? extended release? capsules? brand name? generic? Tylenol? Aspirin? Augh....! There is no sight more pathetic than a glassy-eyed sick person in the medicine aisle.

2. Being sick seriously alters your perspective.  It was a beautiful fall weekend - like jeans and sweatshirts, every tree doing it's best to outshine the others- kind of perfect.  I saw these people enjoying the day, walking their dogs, raking leaves, cutting grass, standing around laughing and I, although watching it, couldn't comprehend it.  I felt so lousy it was hard to believe that people could have that much energy.  My being sacked by a cold bug didn't mean the rest of the world stopped spinning but it did take me out of the loop.

Depression has that same effect.  It saps you of all energy, fogs your mind, and although you see others living life fully you can't imagine having the same level of participation.  There's no energy for all that activity; it simply takes all you've got to stagger from event to event.

The beauty is that no matter how we feel the promises of God do not change.
The truth of His constant presence remains - Hebrews 13:5 "For God has said, 'I will never fail you.  I will never abandon you."

His care for us does not waver - Psalm 36:7 "How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings"

He still guides us- Psalm 48:14 "For that is what our God is like.  He is our God forever and ever, and He will guide us until we die."

Watches over us- Psalms 33:8 "The Lord watches over those who fear Him, who rely on His unfailing love."
And is full of compassion towards us- Psalms 103:13,14 "The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him.  For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust."
God is faithful; and that, no matter how I feel, is something to hang onto.


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