My Seasons Change...

As I didn’t have a camera, let me write you a picture

As I walked through an early morning of late November, the white ceramic mug of coffee cradled was cooling quickly; frosty puffs of breath preceding me. Every blade of grass was distinctly encased in its own coat of frost.  Before me lay a panorama of Geneva Lake, the pink hue of sunrise still lingering in the sky diffused by the steam rising out of warm waters into the frigid air.  The dog ran leaving no footprints across the frozen beach and the reflective glass of the water was filled with cliques of geese; squawking, diving, preening, making trails as they glided across the lake. They were incongruous against the backdrop of the lone white boat pier, all the slips long emptied, boards encrusted in a layer of icy snow. I stood on the diving board in my winter coat and looked trepidatiously at the green clear water below me.  It was definitely no longer summer.

A year ago I had just started the process that had brought me to where I’ve been the past seven months - definitely an entirely new season of life when I was at the point I thought life was pretty much mapped out for how it would play out for the final thirty or so years.

And, I’ve discovered again, that when my seasons, my circumstances, my life, and the lives of those around me change; my God does not. The same God who has walked with me and provided for every need for all the days so far in my life will continue to do so for all my days. This again reaffirmed was the truth of Hebrews 13:8 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Malachi 3:6 in that “I am the LORD, I change not”.

Stability, Solidity, A firm unmoving never-failing foundation on which to build a life and One in whom to trust with my heart and all my days.

Praise the Lord, He never changes!


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