For such a time as this...

I'm singing in a Christmas concert today.

That's not amazing news this time of year but it's given me pause and such a heart of gratitude.

I had attended a couple nights ago and the music and lyrics are so worshipful I wanted to be able to join my voice with the forty others who are glorifying God through this.

I asked if I could hop in this afternoon and was told "yes"; a step of faith on my colleague's part as he's unaware of my background.

But I am not; and as I, with the benefit of Youtube, sing through my book I am overcome by all the ways God has prepared me for this. Years and years of choirs, some lessons, amazing choral colleagues in year's previous who have supported and stretched me vocally and one director in particular, Dr. Dwight Gustafson of the University Chorale, to whom I'll be forever grateful for his instruction both vocally and how to praise God with our voices. 

I think about all the notes and all the opportunities in the last four decades that have prepared me for such a time as this. It's not that it is a big deal but it's amazing to realize that we cannot fathom what God's long term plan may be for the life we are currently experiencing; that there are most likely both short term and long term results in His plan.

There's such a joy and comfort in this!

That, whatever it is; good, bad, or just "normal" happening in your life that your Father is orchestrating it for reasons you may never realize until many years down the road. 

In grasping this I am in awe.

Lead Lord.
You know where you are going.
You know where this path will take me.
It is my joy to follow!


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