My Seeing Eye Friend

If you are blind, you need a Seeing Eye dog.

If you are breathing, you need a Seeing Eye friend: a friend who sees clearly where you are blind and one whom you trust enough to follow their lead.

I have many such friends, hopefully one for every blind spot I have and ones who not only make up for my deficiencies but who can see clearly what I can’t.

I’m in the forest; all I’m seeing are the trees.

I have one such friend, so if any of these words ever resonate with you, she is the reason they have been published for your eyes.

She’s my favorite “poofreader” and one of many with whom I’ve shared my writings.
I've chosen each person who has ever seen what I've written, selecting only those who know me and would be an understanding and safe place to share my thoughts: my friend had another idea. One day she presented me with a book that was a compilation of the writings I’d been sending her. Today she emailed me with the announcement that she’d set up a blog for my words because, as she says, “you should be read and proud of what you've written!"

I don’t see it.

She does.

I’m going to trust her judgment, for she is my Seeing Eye friend.


Anonymous said…
I think it's really neat that she didn't even have a website but her "Seeing Eye Friend" gave her one so she could post her writings. I think that's really neat!
chrisd said…
Come by and see me

Come by and see me!
Jennifer said…
Wow! that's great you have such a friend. You are truly blessed.
shytowngirl30 said…
We all need a friend who is as valuable as our right arm.

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