What matters to you...

I'd gotten myself in a situation entirely of my own doing and now I was trying to figure out what to do. I had a decision to make.

Throughout my years in churches I've heard thousands of prayer requests: I'd like to ask for prayer about this but I also knew that this really wasn't appropriate prayer material.

There is great understanding and empathy for prayer regarding sickness or sorrow, difficulty or destitution, hardship or heartbreak.

This was none of the above.

It would be frivolous to request wisdom in making this decision.
It didn't merit prayer.
I was on my own.

But there is a simple biblical truth and this truth encouraged me to bring it before the throne of grace - although my need was trivial,and even though it was a situation I'd gotten into that was totally because I'd messed up, I realized that...

What matters to you

...matters to God.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you" I Peter 5:7
"Don't worry about anything.;instead pray about everything.
Tell God about what you need and thank Him for all He is going to do." Philippians 4:6


chrisd said…
You are so right.

I brought up something to a bible study (not ours) and was practically yelled at.

But does it matter?

YES--it matters to God.

Thank you for this, Becky. You have no idea.

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