He's Just Not That Into You

"He's Just Not That Into You" is the title of a recent movie. I have yet to see it but I assume it's a comedy.

Because if it is not a comedy, if it is really about what the title conveys, than it's all about disappointment:

Most obviously of course when you're into someone who is not that into you.

When you've lost a job unfairly and no one speaks on your behalf.

When you've been invaluable in an endeavor and are not given credit or someone else steals the credit.

When you've done your absolute best and it's not enough.

When you discover that "happily ever after" is only in fairy tales.

When a dependable relationship collapses.

When the person with the power wins out over the person with the ability.

Do any of those sound familiar? Bring something to mind?

The question is not what will you do if this happens but when...because it does. Chances are it has before and most likely will again: your love will go unreciprocated, your work unnoticed, your value unappreciated, your opinion unconsidered.

When you find that "they are just not that into you" remember this:

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)

This is more than a "Don't worry, Be Happy" sentiment. There's a lot in that verse - go ahead, let your mind ruminate on it for a while. Unpack it for yourself and you'll discover that there is someone who is really into you...

What are your thoughts?

What kind of love would it take for you to be "quieted by His love"? What would you need to hear/understand to have your disappointed heart made peaceful?

What does the phrase "rejoice over you with singing" conjure up in your mind? What would they look like? feel like? signify?

What does it do for your spirit to realize that, no matter what else happens, there is someone who is always for you? And that the One who is "into you" and delights in you is the God of the universe?


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