Love and Coffee

I realized that much I’ve learned about love,
I’ve learned in the presence of coffee.
I’ve just returned from being invited out for coffee,
partially because it was the seasonal special
with chocolate, caramel and Irish crème
but mostly because I needed space from my home
and needed to talk and my friend recognized that
and getting coffee became the perfect excuse.

The first time I was in a Starbucks
was because my father–in-law invited me and my infant son out for coffee. All I remember is enjoying for the first time a Carmel frappacino and sitting still in the comfortable chairs for the time it took to drink our Venti drinks. Since I was sleep deprived and in that general insaneness and giant learning curve that accompanies your first child, going out for coffee was like heaven.

One year I was given 3 coffee gift cards for Christmas.

I received specially blended coffee combinations
in plastic cones adorned with ribbons and silk roses
for Valentine’s Day.

I brought back 100% Kona coffee
when I visited the islands last year
and hope that the favor will be returned
by another who is visiting the tropics.

Our Bible Study group, aptly named Coffee Break, has a coffee bar called Love You A Latte in which we’ve gotten everyone addicted to whipped cream on their monthly specialty coffee and where we exchange hugs for coffee benefiting both the server and the “customer”.

See, it’s all about coffee!

I’m so sorry if you are not a coffee drinker.

It may be harder for you to learn about love.
Because I’ve found that in the drinking
and the giving and receiving of coffee
I have both demonstrated and have been the recipient
of expressions of love.
And gotten a caffeine boost to boot!


Jennifer said…
I just stumbled on your blog today and I just wanted to say hello. I love your writing style. You have inspired me to write a entry about my love of Tea!!
Karen said…
I love how you are able to find joy in the littlest things -- and can share them with others and appreciate those who share them with you!

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