Fall on your knees...

“Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

Are you kidding? The only falling I’m going to do is on all the ice out here in the mall parking lot. This place is a madhouse. Why aren’t all these people ready for Christmas already? How in the world will I get in and out of this place in an hour?

“Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

That’s a great idea for someone else, but I am far too busy to be stopping for angel voices. Have you seen the “to do” lists I still have?

“Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

I am far too important to be falling on my knees. Don’t you know that without me Christmas wouldn’t happen in my household? There’d be no tree, no gifts, no cards, no fresh-baked cookies… (well, there probably won’t be any fresh-baked cookies anyway, I’m so far behind).

“Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

Gifts bought and wrapped – check.
Food prepared – check.
Tree trimmed – check.
Stockings hung by the chimney with care – check, check, check.

It’s Christmas – I’m ready – Bring it on.

“Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

Oh, yeah... that.
I’m no longer in a hurry, or too busy, or too caught up in being the Spirit of Christmas …
I’m out of excuses.
Yet, still, here I stand, knees locked.

I've done Christmas: I've bought the gifts, sung the songs, heard the sermons, took the pictures, put money in the red kettle, sent the cards, trimmed the tree, and I've even had moments of nostalgia and goodwill ...

Fall on your knees….
Oh hear the angel voices….”

And what are these angels saying?
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2)
A Savior - Christ the Lord.

What other choice is there but to fall on my knees?
I am in need of a Savior.
And I acknowledge that Christ is my Lord.


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