Why there's No Room...

During this season you will be expected to …

*maintain all your normal work responsibilities.

*redecorate both the inside and outside of your home.

*purchase appropriate and thoughtful gifts for all the significant relationships in your life and gifts of appreciation for those who assist you or your children, then wrap and present these gifts.

*send out cards of greeting to current family and friends and also to those with whom this yearly card has become your last thread of contact. A personal note on each one is a welcomed addition.

*host and/or attend festive dinners and gatherings.

*prepare a variety of baked treats for above said holiday gatherings

*learn and perform a quantity of new music requiring additional evenings of rehearsals.

*participate in or contribute to charitable organizations.

You must accomplish all of this in the next 25 days.
There are no exceptions or excuses.
This must all be done by December 25th.

Is it any wonder that although we know that “Jesus is the reason for the season” we find it difficult to see Him?

That we find our hearts full of stress and not peace?

We are not merry or bright, no holly, not jolly.

We’re tired: of doing, of pleasing, of expectations, of feasting…

And although we would love to be filled with the spirit of Christmas, we seem unable to work it up in ourselves, to feel as we feel we should when one is surrounded by tinsel and lights, friends and family, carols and crooners.

So what is one to do?


Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find. (Matthew 7:7,8)

Lord Jesus, as I pause for just a moment to pray, I ask that you will find me in this season. That you will give to me a gift of peace and a renewed sense of awe that you came as a baby so that you could die on a cross to be my savior. I am worn and weary and although surrounded by lights and music my heart is bare. Fill me with the music of the angels. Let me ponder and treasure all these things in my heart. Come to my heart Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee…


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