Taste and see...

I was having lunch with a friend who, realizing she was famished, confessed she really hadn't eaten in the past few days. She went on to say that she didn't realize she was so hungry until she tasted the food.

I have a chiropractor who has explained that we get so accustomed to feeling bad with sore muscles or things out of joint that we forget what it feels like to be healthy.

I have it on authority, not my own unfortunately, that when you start to exercise consistently you have a new level of energy.

We are amazingly adaptable people, which is good, because life calls for many adaptations; but it's also bad because sometimes when we adapt to a lower level we forget how good it really can be.

Tasting is a powerful concept because it has the ability to open up whole new avenues for us.

My children have just seen a musical theater production for the first time: their world has a whole new desirable element in it.

I have just discovered a new musical group: I have many recordings now open for exploration.

I don't need to talk about the flip side of this: the taste of drugs, alcohol, or illegitimate sex - you already know that not all tastes need to be experienced or cultivated.

But perhaps there is a good taste you've once experienced that you haven't in a while. Psalms 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." It's easy to have a good faith-uplifting experience and then be drawn away by daily life, and forget that taste, lose that hunger.

Numerous verses abound in scripture about the sweetness of the Lord and his words.
You may be hungrier than you think:
so go ahead,
taste and see...


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