Our Sandwich Generation
All week long I keep thinking I need to call my mom and I don’t know why I’m feeling this way and it is so very strange... I miss having parents. My dad died a lifetime ago, twenty- seven years, but my mom's been gone less than a year and I'm still thinking I should call her and see how she's doing. When I think about it, my mom had gotten to that stage of life where she was more of someone who needed to be taken care of than someone who was still taking care of me. There will be a point in which we will need to parent the parent and with that role reversal there is a sense of loss - that you are no longer someones child in that someone is still looking out for you - even if it's more of a perception than a reality. Let me offer you a precious thought. God does not age and will never grow feeble. No matter what age you get to be you will still be his child and even more than that, He will still be as capable a father as He has always been. Still stronger, wiser, and mor...