Time is on God's Side

First of all, you have to journal.

If you don't, start today

If you already do, keep it up!

You have no way of knowing what an powerful thing it can be in your life.

I was looking up some information this morning and found a journal entry from ten years ago. In it I was imagining how great it would be if God could come over to my house one morning with the blueprint for my life. We'd roll it out on the table and He would explain to me what His plan was and then explain step by step how we would get from where I am to what I was going to be. Like an old lot that is going to be converted into a neighborhood playground: how we'd clean up the trash and then level the ground, lay some sod, build a playground structure, plant some trees and put up some benches and make a once barren space useful.

About a year later I drove past a sign with the verse "Now He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think"(Eph. 3:20) and I began imagining what I want to see in my life - in my marriage, in myself, at my church, with my God and I wrote it down and this morning I found it again and realized that God has been at work, even though I didn't realize it until today.

Most of the things on my list, still have not happened but a few have. I had imagined a place that I could sing and teach and I've had numerous opportunities to do both; all brought about by things God has orchestrated.

There is one thing that has been fulfilled that has had an impact far greater than any of the others. I wanted to "have a consistent friendship with God and an eternal/godly perspective on circumstances" and that God has brought to pass far beyond all I could ask or think but...

If I'd been given the choice to see the steps to the fulfillment of this desire I'm not sure if I would have been too keen on what was ahead. It has been accomplished in my life both by friendships that are far greater than ever before but also by events so awful even remembering them is difficult.

Does God have a blueprint for my life? Most definitely.
Would I like to see what I'm going to be "when I grow up?" yea, a little but I've already discovered what my future holds...

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found of you." Jeremiah 29:11-13

Do you see what God's plan is for my future and for yours as well?
Verse 11 is used often in a "good things are in store for you" kind of platitude but in context we see what the plan is to prosper us, that will give us hope and that is in our seeking and finding of Him: and when we find this ongoing relationship with the Lord, we can face whatever circumstances our days will bring.

Does God have a plan for me to grow in my relationship with Him? Yes.
Do I need to know how that will be accomplished?

Steve Green arrived at this answer long before I did in a song in which he says:
"I don't need to have the plan in hand
I don't need to have the end in mind
All I need to do is follow Him wherever He leads
and do what He asks me too."

Time is on God's side.

He sees far into the future and knows exactly what to do this day to continue this good work that He has begun in you and will continue until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 1:6)

If you journal, chances are it will reveal His hand working out His plan throughout your life.

But even if you can't see His hand, trust His heart, because His heart longs for you to know Him.
Whatever the blueprint God has for your life, be it a cathedral or a way station for the weary, if you have Him, do not you have enough?


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