
Of course along the way this word has picked up a bad connotation - but if you can suspend judgement for just a minute I have a new idea I'd love to slip into your mind.
An eavesdropper is someone who is out of sight but well within earshot.
Couple that definition with this old saying:
Christ is the head of this house,
The unseen guest at every meal,
The silent listener to every conversation.
And this verse - "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry" Psalm 34:5
Get the picture?
God "eavesdrops" on our lives.
He is out of sight but never out of earshot.
The things we say are heard by Him (oh, that's back to that feeling like a negative thing - or would that be conviction?) but the flip side of this coin is that what things are said to us He also hears.
If the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, most certainly also are His ears. He knows where we struggle, He hears the cries of our heart, He is witness to all the events of our lives.
Out of sight but NEVER out of earshot...