Small thing = Big Impact
There are perks to being a parent...
In the Fall it's the new school supplies - all those fresh notebooks and boxes of crayons.

In the Winter it's the ability to fall on your back in the snow and make snow angels
And in the Summer it's blowing bubbles and chasing fireflies.
These are things I can still do without raising any eyebrows! (Can you imagine seeing an adult doing these things without the accompanying offspring?!)
In the Spring it's coloring Easter eggs. I love coloring Easter eggs.
Even though I've been doing this for years I'm still mesmerized watching the dye swirl and disperse. Just one drop in a cup of water and soon the whole cup is blue and then so is the egg! All because of a 1/4 ounce of coloring was added to a lot more water!
The tremendous impact of one small thing.
Swirling, distilling, changing the entire environment.
We are like that dye.
We have the ability by our words or actions to drop something into a situation that will change it completely.
We have the ability by our words or actions to drop something into a situation that will change it completely.
Either for good or bad.
A lost temper or a loving word?
A helpful hand or a sarcastic comment?
Praise or criticism?
Love or scorn?
Approval or rejection?
Hurt or Help?
Intentionally or not our words and our actions effect every situation we're in; whether we're aware of it or not we are having an impact.
So therefore let us continually pray
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14
because like the dye swirling in my cup, words, once distilled into a situation, cannot be taken back. They change everything.
So let your words today be ones in shades of praise, and affirmation, and joy coloring the environment around you with love.
So therefore let us continually pray
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14
because like the dye swirling in my cup, words, once distilled into a situation, cannot be taken back. They change everything.
So let your words today be ones in shades of praise, and affirmation, and joy coloring the environment around you with love.