
Metanarrative - isn't that a great word?

I've just heard it and it's HUGE and rich and it means...the story above all the stories or the BIG story.

We're familiar with this concept in regards to the Bible - all the stories, the seemingly random disjointed stories, are all part of God's plan of redemption of man. From the fellowship in the Garden of Eden in Genesis to the worship of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in Revelations, it is all about God being having a relationship with His children. It over arcs the whole book and thousands of years of history.

Is the same true for us?
Is there a metanarrative for our lives?

When we look back over all the stories of our history - all the incidents and relationships, the jobs and opportunities, the high and low points, what is the metanarrative? What ties it altogether?

I think Paul had the word metanarrative in mind when he wrote Philippians 3 - particularly vs. 10 and 12 - what do you think? (no, really, what do you think? Please, leave a comment)


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