The value of a tool

I've acquired a new tool and it is so great I keep coming up with reasons to use it. And, the more I use it, the more applications I'm finding it has!
My new tool is a weighted, balanced chef's knife and so far I have chopped cilantro, expertly eviscerated chicken, smoothly sectioned a cream pie, and deftly divided peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It's a joy to hold and use - someone, quick, get me something to dice!

The Bible is full of tools for our use. Truths we can leverage our life against.
Truths about:
raising children- Ephesians 6:4
honoring parents - Ephesians 6:2
dealing with arguments- Proverbs 15:1
fear- Psalm 56:3
protection - Psalm 28:7
prayer-Psalm 116:1
necessity- Philippians 4:19
peace - Isaiah 26:3,4
God's presence - Hebrews 13:5
and on and on the list goes- this tool box is overflowing!

A while ago when it seemed everything was out of my control I reached in and grabbed the tool of "God is in control", a truth that actually came with a bonus soundtrack! For months that was the tool I recalled, over and over again in a wide variety of situations. It was the tool that let me deal deftly with every situation.

While this may seem similar to repeating a "happy thought" in your mind or always remembering that "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" or " (choose your phrase here)", it's not. The difference is that the truth is God's truth, from His word which is "sharper than any two-edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12). It's not something you hope is true but something you can count on as accurate.

What tool of God's truth will most help you today?

Go ahead, take some time and go shopping in the Word.
Find the truth that God has provided for your circumstances.
The truth you can use in all the situations that are problematic in your life and see what difference the right tool will make...


paulas said… you have the God is in control tool. I couldn't find it and now I know why!

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