The Beauty of a Soaker Hose

It is hot!
But I'm sure, that since 32 out of 50 states are under an excessive heat warning, I don't need to tell you it's hot.

Knowing the heat was coming and that I'd be away for a few days I stood with the hose deluging the flowers until their dry dust beds transformed into rich warm soil with rivulets of water.  I gave them a long, deep, satisfying drink hoping it would be enough for them to endure the oppression that was coming.

It wasn't
it couldn't be.

For flowers to thrive in the summer a single long drink is not enough.
The solution is a soaker hose and a timer - the guarantee of liquid nourishment every day.

Life is tough.
But I'm sure, since you're living life, you already know that.

A single moving satisfying spiritual experience - be it at church,conference, concert, or just an amazing insight from the Word, in all it's refreshing wonderfulness; is not enough. A deep drink cannot last over the heat of days.

We thrive when daily we draw from Living Water.

Daily grace for daily needs.

Grace to help in the time of need - today - and new grace for tomorrow, this is how we flourish.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him
Lamentations 3:22-25 ESV

New day? There is strength for it as the steadfast love of the Lord never ends.

If we seek Him, He is good to those who wait for him.

There is an unequaled refreshment in a long drink of His love; in times where the eyes of the soul are refocused on His greatness and the heart is lifted high in praise and showers of blessings rain down.

But when the skies are clear and the air around is oppressive God's love is still there; quietly alongside us and providing mercies for our needs.

So great is His faithfulness!!


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