Please don't give up on me!

Although the words were written thousands of years ago, they still  resonate with the heart engaged in honest confession before God in their request.

Psalm 119: 5-8 (NLT)
Oh, that my actions would conisistently reflect your principles!

Instead of reflecting how I'm quicker to worry than to trust, to gossip then to pray, to take the easy route instead of pursing the holy...

Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands.

I am looking pretty good compared to some to the people around me, even those in the church!
But in Your eyes and compared to your commands I stand head bowed in shame...

When I learn your righteous laws I will thank you by living as I should!

Yes, Yes Lord that's what I'll do! I know your laws and I will live by them!
Until I'm tired, or discouraged, or stubborn, or when your laws seem just so hard...

I will obey your principles.

You know my heart Lord; I really want to follow your commands but I just keep failing...

Please don't give up on me!


Unknown said…
I could have written these words, Becky. But I'm learning and I'm growing closer to His heart. So thankful that God doesn't give us on us. Many blessings!
Kathleen said…
These words could be mine too. I believe they are the lament of every Christian. Thank you, Lord, for your constant love and mercy!

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