Stopping to Savor

It's my birthday and because of the celebrations and numerous free birthday item coupons, I have eaten my way through the week! Five days (so far!) of palate pleasing pursuits; ice cream and coffees, pie, breakfast and lunches, and bakery cookies shaped like cupcakes. It's been a scrumptious journey!

A birthday is a perfect time to stop and savor, not only all the deliciousness of celebration, but the richness of another year lived with the blessings of the Lord.

So many years ago this baby girl was born and has consequently been sustained and upheld all the days that have followed. As I look through my history I trace the hand of God; and I am sure that this same hand will continue to guide and uphold me in the years to come. A birthday is a time to pause and remember and in the remembering, to step into a new year with confidence.

Taste (and savor) and see (remember) that the Lord is good.
Oh the joys (and peace!) of those who trust in Him!
Let the Lord's people show Him reverence,
for those who honor Him will have all they need (will not lack any necessary thing)
Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry (despite all that strength and ability and all they have going for them)
But those who trust in the Lord will never lack any good thing. (Never lack, for anything, what greater gift could there ever be?!)
Psalms 34:8-10 (and me!)


Unknown said…
A birthday is a testimony of God's love and provision throughout our life. Happy Birthday, Becky!

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