Square Holes, Square Pegs

I'm so excited! I was just being teased that it didn't take much to get me excited: but I'm choosing to take that as a compliment.

I'm amazed how God watches out for me in all things, even those that are very little.

In the past 24 hours I've gotten an email that was encouraging where I was discouraged, a phone call giving me legal advice that will save me from many headaches, and a visit that resulted in the weeds being gone from what I'm calling my garden and a dozen new transplants all snuggled down into my dirt: and all these things came from the friends in my life.

I don't know anything about legalities or flowers (except that they're so pretty and tempting in the store this time of year and I get them home and they're just not happy at my house) yet where I have these holes in my abilities, God's provided others who have these strengths.

The expression is typically "like a square peg in a round hole" but my Father is the giver of all good gifts (James 1:17) and this day He's blessed me with the realization that while He is the provider of all my needs, often He sends His provisions through my friends.


chrisd said…
That's great. I got hung up on by one of my friends. I know where they are coming from.

You must thank God on your knees, Becky, for the friends God has blessed you with. Think of how your life would be if they weren't there.
Anonymous said…
I believe that your friends are good to you because you are also good to them. You enrich us with your creativity and inspiration. Thanks.

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