Water Daily
I am a simple minded person.
I am visual.
I am forgetful.
I've just gotten a beautiful hanging plant. I carefully brought it home and
placed it on the hook and it looked wonderful!
The next morning it was all withered and curling up against itself. So I watered it really well and it perked right up and again looked great.
This morning it's all curled up and withered looking.
What a great plant!
Here I thought I was getting something to brighten up my yard and what I've actually gotten is my own botanical reminder.
I am just like my plant in that I need to be watered daily. It seems no matter how great the day before has been, how abundantly I've been satisfied and filled that the next morning I'm dry and thirsty, and when the sun is beating down on me, I need even more water.
I easily relate to the psalmist when he said "My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water" (Psalms 63:1).
And then there's this promise for me. "(If) you would ask me, I will give you living water!"(John 4:10).
So each morning as I walk out to water my plant I will be reminded to come back in and take my Bible and seek water for my own soul. And as the day progresses both my plant and I will be nourished and full of life.
I am visual.
I am forgetful.
I've just gotten a beautiful hanging plant. I carefully brought it home and
The next morning it was all withered and curling up against itself. So I watered it really well and it perked right up and again looked great.
This morning it's all curled up and withered looking.
What a great plant!
Here I thought I was getting something to brighten up my yard and what I've actually gotten is my own botanical reminder.
I am just like my plant in that I need to be watered daily. It seems no matter how great the day before has been, how abundantly I've been satisfied and filled that the next morning I'm dry and thirsty, and when the sun is beating down on me, I need even more water.
I easily relate to the psalmist when he said "My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water" (Psalms 63:1).
And then there's this promise for me. "(If) you would ask me, I will give you living water!"(John 4:10).
So each morning as I walk out to water my plant I will be reminded to come back in and take my Bible and seek water for my own soul. And as the day progresses both my plant and I will be nourished and full of life.