
Something fresh always trumps something processed, or frozen, or from concentrate, doesn't it?

Fresh tomatoes in the summer only barely resemble what we eat as tomatoes the rest of the year. There is no comparison to the flavor of a fresh ear of corn as to the stuff out of a can. A tiny glass of orange juice that is the result of a half dozen squeezed oranges is like the nectar of the gods.

And for the rest of the year when we drink processed juice, eat canned corn, and spear things that only look like tomatoes on our salads, it's okay; good even until the season of freshness comes again.

In the same vein there is nothing like when God does a fresh work in the heart that belongs to Him. When, in His own timing, He reaches down and stirs the embers of this banked fire of love and faithfulness, and a fire blazes up again.

This is a time to savor a fresh taste of His love and presence, and a chance to once again "Taste and see that the Lord is good".

We don’t live here, always drinking fresh juice or wiping the juice of garden tomatoes off our chins; for if we did, it would no longer be as amazing. For some of us it means, as much as we'd like to, we can't drink Kona all the time, most days it's just Folgers.

But in those times, when God chooses to reveal himself to my heart in a fresh way, I am left with only one refrain on my lips.
“How great is our God!”

“How great is the Lord, and how much we should praise him.” Psalms 48:1

“Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness: let us exalt his name together. I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears, those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy.” Psalms 34:3-5


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