Wait until the flowers bud

It's been a long, long winter.
Everyone, I mean every one I've talked to in recent weeks has commented on how long and bleak this season has been. I read somewhere that we had 10 hours of sunshine in the entire month of February - only 10 hours! No wonder everyone is feeling that winter will never be over!

In talking about Easter decorations today my friend said she can't bring herself to put out the bunnies yet while there is still snow on the ground, they may freeze their little cotton tails off!

We change time this weekend: "Spring Ahead". Ugh! I've appreciate lately that the sun has gotten up before I have - I'm not looking forward to prying myself out of bed in the dark; it's hard enough to get up some mornings.

Will Winter ever end? Will Spring ever come?

Yes. Of course.

We know this because we are not infants.
We've lived through this cycle of seasons before.
We know that someday the sun will have been shinning for hours before we leave our slumber and will just be creeping beneath the horizon before the ten o'clock news begins.
There will be flowers, and green grass and warm breezes again.
There will be no need of coats for protection.
There will be renewed energy and laughter will be contagious.

It's been a long season of bleakness for so many I've talked with lately.
There hasn't been much light.
It seems there never will be, since it's been so long since there has been.

But Easter is coming...

Easter is our own holiday to remember that the Light of the World cannot long be shrouded by darkness.

"We sorrow not as those who have no hope..."(I Thessalonians 4:13) because Christ is risen he has conquered death. A day to remember that God has the power to raise up what is dead from the depths of hell and bring to a glorious ascension to heaven.

And, if one can conquer death, which is the greatest enemy, the finality of our lives here on earth; then He is powerful enough to conquer the winters of our lives.

"The Lord is close to the broken hearted;
He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
The Lord looks after those who fear him, those who put their hope in his love.
He saves them from death and spares their lives in times of hunger.
So our hope is in the Lord, He is our help, our shield to protect us.
We rejoice in him, because we trust his holy name.
Lord, show your love to us as we put our hope in you." Psalms 34: 18, 33: 18-22.

Hang on.
The flowers may be about to bud


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