"thank you"

I found the shoes my son was frantically searching for before he had to run out the door...
I shopped for three hours getting groceries and then spent over an hour making lunch for people and putting them away when I got home...
I taught my son how to cook a dinner meal tonight, cleared the table, and washed and put away all the dishes...
I made several beds, picked up a bunch of clothes left on the floors, and folded scattered blankets and towels...
All of this I did today and there was not a single "thank you".
I had the ability to get out of bed this morning and a kitchen with electricity to make breakfast in...
I have children who are able to run out the door with or without the lost shoes...
I have the finances to buy food to put on the table and transporation to get it home...
I have a family to feed, the ability to teach, hot water, and a house to live in...
I have active children who dirty clothes, towels that belie summer enjoyment and sweet faces to tuck into bed each night...
Thank you Father.