Because I love you

Around my house just before Christmas a "No Questions" zone is imposed.

There can be no asking of "Where are you going?", "What's in that box?", "Was that the UPS truck I just saw?" or "How could you possibly need that much tape?"

All the questions (that you can't ask!) are answered Christmas morning in the somewhat oddly shaped and interestingly wrapped packages under the tree. And actually there is only one answer - "Because I love you". That's why someone was out, had boxes to hide, or used up all the tape; because I was getting something to give to you because I love you.

Why were a girl's wedding plans interrupted by an angel?
Why did a fiancee embrace a scandalous pregnancy?
Why did angelic night visitors surprise snoozing shepherds?
Why did the appearance of a star prompt a road trip?

Because God was giving us a gift.
Why? Because He loves us.

We're no prize, not worthy of such affection from the Almighty but God has chosen to set his love upon us. As a matter of fact, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

A Facebook post today asked this question "What is God's greatest gift? Sending his Son as a sacrifice for mankind or allowing us the free will to accept or reject Him?"

You know the effort you've put into your gifts this Christmas. Perhaps you fought the crowds, stood in lines forever, paged through dozens of Internet sites, or maybe spent more than you should have because it was important to make it extra special. Imagine if the recipient of your gift disinterestedly unwrapped it and with a "hmph" shoved it back under the tree...

You gave because you loved but that doesn't guarantee your love will be reciprocated.

The whole reason this baby we celebrate was sent to a manager was so that He would grow up to be crucified on a cross. How have we responded to such a great gift of love? How today will you respond to the Giver?


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