With us...

Emmanuel - God with us.
We're hearing this word a lot. In songs, on cards, and in scripture and sermons and what an amazing concept it is.
God has come to us.
My question is, how closely has God come to us?
Where is God in this season?
In a nativity set on the front lawn or mantle?
Perhaps the motif on the Christmas cards being sent?
Or maybe in our words as we sing along with the radio or join in the great carols in a poinsettia strewn sanctuary?
How closely is God with you this season?
Recently I realized, as having left the church I've attended the past 18 years, that there would be no place for me to sing this Christmas; no choir, no programs, no chance to voice the amazing truths in the songs reserved for this season, which is something I have been thrilled to do for years. "It is what it is" though, "no need to cry over spilt milk" and all those sayings came to mind. This was merely an effect of a decision I felt God lead me to make and that was that...
A week later the phone rang and it was the organist at the church we attend in the summer asking if I could sing for them for Christmas.
How close has God come to us?
He has come to be this close; "You know what I long for, Lord; you hear my every sigh." Psalms 38:9.
More than a creche, a motif, or lyrics God has come to us to be intimately connected with us. To be so close that He hears our smallest sighs and works in all the details of our lives. His desire is to be with us, in every way, through each moment. We are to "pray without ceasing"(I Thess. 6:17) and "Not worry about anything but pray about everything. Tell God what you need" (Phil. 4:6).
God dressed Himself in flesh for a much greater purpose than becoming a cultural or religious icon. He had greater aspirations than being the object of plays, cantatas, and Christmas merchandise! He came as man for one reason; to die on a cross to atone for our sins so that He might enter our hearts and be with us now and so that we can be forever with Him.
He is with you.
Be with Him.