Thank you Lord

"Standing here on the threshold of a new year, thank you Lord for all that has been in the year that is ending.

Thank you for the trials that made me come to you as I would not have without them.

Thank you that I come to the end of this year still here because of your constant gift of breath and life.

Thank you for the opportunities you've provided and the experiences that now fill my hard drive with memories.

Thank you for the Internet and the friends with whom I've been able to reconnect and even moreso Father thank you for the conversations with friends, albeit now typed and not spoken, as we are geographically far apart but still connected by heart.

Thank you Lord for my near friends with whom I share coffee, news, and the gambit from sorrow and frivolity; I am so blessed by their physical presence in my life.

Thank you for the abundance of good things that has caused me to resolve again to "lose weight" and "clear the clutter", and for the health and growth of my children even if it means my son is now taller than I am and that my daughter and I can just about share shoes...

But most of all Lord, as I go from here to face a new year, thank you for Your faithfulness and this knowledge gained from experiences this year that assures me ' 'tis grace that's brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.'"


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