'Tis the season...

...of warm snuggly blankets, fa la la la la, la la la la!

Baby, it's cold outside!
And, although I'm inside it's still cold!  So 'tis the season so bring out the warm blankets and drape them on every arm of every chair. (Seriously it looks like a giant slumber party is always going on in my living room!)

My favorite is a new one that's microfiber lined with sherpa which makes it soft and super warm. If I could make it into an outfit I'd wear it everywhere! 

But for now I sit in my big blue chair this morning under my warm blanket as I open God's Word to feed my heart and I read, "Unfailing love surrounds those who trust in the Lord." Psalms 32:10 NLT

I feel loved as I sit here all cozy and still; comforted by His care for me as the demands of the day have yet to have me distracted and running. But "unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord" - surrounds - not just covers me when I'm still and reflective but surrounds me, wherever I go, whatever I'm doing, no matter how I feel.

I am as surrounded by the love of God as if I took my blanket with me everywhere I went. No matter how cold it will be outside today, no matter what bitter winds will blow I am protected by the love of God which surrounds me.  His love covers me: it cocoons me.

I guess there is such an outfit of sherpa after all!

Do you have one?
Don't forget to take it with you as you go out today!


Unknown said…
Very sweet, Becky!

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