How things change

It's melting!!

By week's end the Blizzard of 2011 will be nothing but a memory as warm temps are slowly turning the mountains of snow into  rushing rivulets! But because the snow was so deep, it's hard to see the effect of the warmer weather except by comparisons.

We have a sign for a political candidate on our lawn which was completely buried; then I noticed I could see the slightest bit of the top peeking through. The next day three inches of color was popping out of the snow drift and now you can actually read it again. Although the ground is still covered with white there is much less of it than there used to be!

Subtle changes.

Warming temperatures.

Melting snow.

Changing landscape.

As we watch it happening outside our windows there's the realization that the same thing is happening in our hearts. Sometimes there is a blizzard and things change suddenly and drastically but so often God is working little by little; lining things up so that when the opportunity or incident comes, we are ready for it.

"Then, at his command, it all melts. He sends his winds, and the ice thaws" Psalms 147:18 NLT

Just like that.

The temperatures will hit a certain point and all the snow will disappear, not because it's the magic point but because it has already been moving in that direction. We may not realize that the same thing is happening on our own hearts.

Just because we may not see any progress in our lives, or dreams, or growth at the moment; let us rest in the assurance that God is continually working through the circumstances of our lives to prepare us for what He has in store for us and that, "all of a sudden", the ice will melt and we'll be filled with all that is green and growing. The promise is that He is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28) and that He will continue continue the good work He has started in us until it is completed (Philippians 1:6) so while we may just see cold giant impenetrable mountains of white, God is working.


Kathleen said…
What a beautiful analogy.
Desiray said…
You guys did get allot of snow I know you must be tired of it by now.

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