In His presence

I love email.
And letters
And chats
And texts
And phone calls

Not in and of themselves but because they are all ways to be connected to the ones I love when I can't do what I really want which is to be with them - in person  (preferably over coffee)!

But the reality is that I am here and they are there and in some cases there are hundreds of miles in between.
So we chat and while that is good there are always plans being made to be together, in person.
Because when you love, words on a screen are not enough.
You want more.
You want to be in their presence - to hear their voice while seeing their face and being seen yourself - to be able to hug and hold and just be - all senses engaged - with them.

We read the letter God's given us.
We chat with Him in prayer.
We send our love with our worship and how we live our lives.

But it's not enough.
I want more.
I want to be in the presence of this One I love.
All because of a love affair that started when a young girl heard that God was knocking on her heart's door and she opened it because He wanted to be with her and now her adult soul longs to someday be with this One she's been loving all her life.

We don't think much about the coming of Christ.
It is a "someday" event for which there is little space in our "got to do a million things today" thinking. But there is going to be that someday.
Someday we will be with our bridegroom.
Someday with arms open wide He will say to us "Come!" and we will!
We will be with the One whom our hearts love.

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy" I Peter 1:18 NIV

Someday all texts, and chats, and emails will end and we will be in His presence.
With Him as we've never been before...

Because you invited Him into your heart's home and one day He'll  invite you to His home- how amazing and longed for is that?!

Oh Lord, come quickly!


Kristen said…
Great post. While I'm grateful for other forms of communication, it is so nice to be able to connect in person with people you love. How amazing will it be when we are face to face with our Creator.

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