
Showing posts from March, 2011

Omelets and God's timing

Omelets are not for the hasty. Now once they get to that certain point you have to be swift in adding the filling ingredients but the expertise of omelet cooking consists in knowing just when the eggs are cohesive enough to flip. Do it too early and you'll have scrambled eggs. Too late and you'll have an overcooked breakfast dish. I tend to err on the side of too early. It looks ready. It seems like it's been on the flame long enough to set up well. Carefully I slide my spatula under, loosening up all the edges and then, spatula and pan in tandem I flip it over...... And I usually end up eating scrambled eggs with cheese instead of a cheese omelet... God knows how to make an "omelet". He understands exactly the timing to produce what He is forming - in us. I am quick to say "I'm  ready! Get me off this flame! I've learned what I need to! I'm ready to move on! Your purposes have been accomplished - let's go!" And then things ...

This little light of mine

O Lord, be like wax to me sustaining Your light in my life. As my circumstances vary, like the forms and vessels of a candle, may You present enough of Yourself to sufficiently fill all the space. May the water of sin and doubt be absorbed and neutralized by Your strength. May the light burn true amongst many or as a solitary flame. The light is yours O Lord, my life merely the wick and if You would see fit, light other wicks from the light I shine in this place for I know "One candle's glow can light a thousand lamps". O Lord, be like wax to me...

The other side of the coin

I hate housework. Well, not really housework as I have no problem with laundry and vacuuming and dusting but what drives me nuts is the work it takes to even get to the housework!There's the rounding up socks and clothing from every conceivable place in the house (I don't know why laundry chute is so difficult for them to use!) or clearing the floors of books and paper airplanes and  miscellanea to even find the carpet to clean! The mess and disorder are non-stop, empty surfaces are suddenly piled, a cleared dinning table after breakfast has attracted  new mountainous mayhem by dinner. It's all akin to trying to shovel the sidewalk while there's still a blizzard going on!!! The fact is there is a blizzard going on and it's called a family. A family that is growing and learning and attempting things. A family that is bringing home more books, new  concepts and trying other hobbies and activities. This blizzard is the re...

"I want to marry my chiropractor..."

so began my friend whose wedding I stood up in twenty years ago. “Um, WHAT?!” "It's nothing personal I mean, I just LOVE the way he makes me feel..." Ah! This I understood having felt the same way for over ten years about my own chiropractor! You come in broken and in need of help with no way of denying it. They put their  knowledgeable healing hands on you  and take away your pain. What's not to love? To come broken and not be scorned. To enter hurt and exit healed. To be cared for when there is nothing you can do to take care of yourself. How does that make one feel? Worthwhile Hopeful Cared for Redeemable But... just don't forget to write out that check before you leave!! But what of One who meets us in our brokenness, who asks not payment as He himself paid to be able to care for us? "But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes ...

Spoken For

Her name was Bella and it suited her, for she was indeed beautiful. Her beauty came from her uniqueness. None other was constructed such as she. No one else had her combination of mind, experiences, personality, talents, and passions, and no one could make her unique contribution to the world, nor would there ever be one like her, and this made her "bella," beautiful. She was finding her way in the world when he approached her; suave and debonair, he took her hand and whispered enticements in her ear of parties and popularity and unending fun. If only she would come with him, he would give her a world of pleasure. She raised her hand as he held it, looked squarely into his eyes and said “No.” It was not much further until she was again approached. His suit was exquisite, his taste impeccable, he dripped money and smelled of success. He held out his hand: “Come with me and you will know what it’s like at the top. You’ll have power and prestige and any and everything you...