Omelets and God's timing
Omelets are not for the hasty. Now once they get to that certain point you have to be swift in adding the filling ingredients but the expertise of omelet cooking consists in knowing just when the eggs are cohesive enough to flip. Do it too early and you'll have scrambled eggs. Too late and you'll have an overcooked breakfast dish. I tend to err on the side of too early. It looks ready. It seems like it's been on the flame long enough to set up well. Carefully I slide my spatula under, loosening up all the edges and then, spatula and pan in tandem I flip it over...... And I usually end up eating scrambled eggs with cheese instead of a cheese omelet... God knows how to make an "omelet". He understands exactly the timing to produce what He is forming - in us. I am quick to say "I'm ready! Get me off this flame! I've learned what I need to! I'm ready to move on! Your purposes have been accomplished - let's go!" And then things ...