April 31st
MAY 1st! How did it get to be so late??
When it was April 31st there was a whole month of calendar pages between me and the next season - when school is out for the summer...(cue ominous music here).
But now it was suddenly May 1st and the next page is (gulp) June and suddenly my days have become even more numbered.
Now what's the difference you may be wondering?
I bet you already know the answer...
Typically what are your first conscious thoughts in the morning?
Mine are, " What time is it? What day is it? What is going on today?"
What would you do if you woke up thinking it was Monday and then realized it was Thursday? It could change everything right? That's how I felt about it being May 1st, because it made it that much closer to the changing of the "season" and when the "season" changes, everything changes. What I do, who is where and when, add a road trip, daily water events and a never ending supply of popsicles...and you've got summer.
When school began I had these big ideas of what would be done before school was out for the summer. But now it's May 1st, will I get done all I need to before "time is up?"
So I started thinking about what had happened in the month that had ended prematurely (according to my calendar system)
In April I...
was inspired and completed five pieces of writing
finished up a major project
made a decision I'd been waffling on for weeks
was introduced to and started laying the groundwork for a new career path
added thirty-five pages to my journal
was asked if I'd be interested in writing a book
and of course, most importantly, made loaves and loaves of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!
Wow - April was one profitable month!
But I didn't realize that until I was able to look back at it: in thirty days a lot had been accomplished; most of which I hadn't even planned to do.
So either I'm very efficient or very easily distracted!
So, now I have six weeks and so much to do it hasn't even all made it to the lists yet, but I realize that a month may be longer than I realize and that's encouraging but what encourages me the most is this " It is of his mercies that we are not consumed for they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:23
No matter what I do or don't do in these coming days; I will have strength and mercy sufficient for every day and I am promised a replenished supply each morning.
Even if it isn't April 31st!