Sitting in the Sun

I took my coffee outside this morning to enjoy the spring day.

A slight breeze rustled the brand new leaves on the trees against a cloudless blue sky. A variety of birds were conversing, as they were busy about their tasks. I could hear some children playing far down the block, and then there was the sun…

The sun was brilliantly bright and warm and I just sat with my eyes closed and head back and enjoyed being covered with warmth and light.

In about an hour, today will turn into a crazy busy, all day kind of day, but for ten minutes I did nothing but sit in the sun, quietly, peacefully...still.

Sit with the Son this day.
"Be still and know I am God" Psalms 46:10: you who are busy serving and helping and doing for your families, your friends, your church.

Stop and just sit with the Son because here it is that you will be refreshed and reminded that we do what we do because we love him and we are caring for those He has brought into our lives.

But it all starts with him. It is "in him we live and move and have our being"(Acts 17:28) and as a few minutes in the sunshine refreshes our spirits in this frail body; just think how being still with your Savior will bring restoration to your soul.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside the still water. He restores my soul." Psalms 23:2


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