Change the bag

I already know that when you read this you will shake your head at me like "duh!"

But that won't stop me from telling you what you already know...

I was unsuccessfully vacuuming today.
The vacuum was just not doing its job - I kept pushing and it kept not picking up.
Finally the light bulb went off in my head...I need to change the bag!

Gingerly I pulled out the bulging disgusting bag of accumulated dirt and threw it away. Then unfolding the pristine new bag I installed it, turned on the vacuum and lo and behold, it was so powerful it just about sucked up my carpet off the floor.

No matter how much I pushed, my cleaner did not have the power it needed for the task. Why? Because it had done so many other tasks already and the accumulated results of those tasks had now siphoned off its power.

Where are you lacking power? In ministry? At work? In relationships? With your God?

Life is messy and life is unfair and it hurts and we accumulate the dirt of walking through our days and there come times where we need to just realize the hurts we're carrying and dump them so that we can have new power.

And I will again tell you what you already know:
Christ stands waiting for our call and ready to help us.

"Cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you" (I Peter 5:7) or

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you"

"Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you" Psalms 55: 22

I don't need to keep carrying the hurts, disappointments and frustrations that have accumulated.
I give them to the one who cares for me and longs to take my burdens.
I now have a fresh start, new power, and more floors to vacuum...


Karen said…
So true! And it's amazing how long I'll keep working and struggling before I think to unload the accumulated grunge - both in vacuum duty and metaphorically! Thanks for the reminder.
Karen said…
So true! And it's amazing how long I'll keep working and struggling before I think to unload the accumulated grunge - both in vacuum duty and metaphorically! Thanks for the reminder.

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