But it was only two weeks ago!

...that is was Christmas Day! Just TWO weeks ago!!!

Is it just me or does it feel more like it's been a lot longer than that?

Our tree is still up because after getting used to enjoying the lights in the early morning and evenings it's hard to take it down. But even so it still feels like all the magic and messages of Christmas were like last year...

We move on.
We cross things off the list and move onto the next thing, as we should, but there is a danger that we will forget the things we've learned and the things we need to remember.

The children of Israel had an interesting practice of creating an altar or setting up piles of stones in places in order to remember what God had done for them there. When they crossed the Jordan river they set up a memorial so they would remember and so that it would be a catalyst for conversation with future generations when they'd ask, "What is that pile of rocks all about?".

It's good for us to do the same thing.
In our own way of course!
I have piles of rocks in my house because my kids keep finding them, along with other things, they want to save. Their rock collections do not serve for me the same purpose as the Israelites did...

In what way(s) do you and can you remember the hand of God in your own life?
I was reading a devotional in which was repeated "God is faithful" and a friend commented that she knows that but often seems to not remember it at the time she needs to.

So how do we remember?
How do we get through a difficult time, a conflict, a trial, a chastening, or time of revelation and not forget the lesson we just learned?

Your Christmas decorations are probably packed away but do you remember what God revealed to you of Himself during that season?
How will you remember the things He's teaching you this week?
When the June sun has these January snows a distant memory, will you remember the blessings of the Lord in this season?

It's not too late.
Find a way.
Set up your own stones of remembrance and let their reminder be yet one more way to bring you, with praise, into the presence of God.


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