
Fearless people scare me as I sit on the couch watching their exploits on television...who is crazy enough to climb a mountain, sail around the world, or be involved in the X Games?

But the problem is that you don't have to do something extreme to experience fear as it is all around and within us.
Max Lucado has written a new book entitled Fearless and in it he addresses, not the fear of bungee jumping in the Grand Canyon, but the fears that plague us deep in our hearts.
The fears of
Overwhelming challenges
Global Calamity
Not Mattering
Not being able to protect my kids
That God is not real
Of life's final moments
Of what is next

I find myself at this moment most strongly identifying with the fear of what is next as I seek to reenter the world of the employed. What if no one wants to hire me? What if I've forgotten how to handle a classroom full of children? What if I can't keep up with all the rest of my life and a job too?

Yep, I'm one fear filled woman.
I read the first chapter (and you can too here) and then skipped to the one about fear of what's next and discovered the most important truth - as already recorded in Scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, and of power and of a sound mind."

The author of fear is the enemy of our souls. Am I going to believe what he says or claim God's promise of love, power and a sound mind?

This book is excellent - right on target for now with the future and the economy looking so uncertain. If you're in my area, we're going to be starting a group study and discussion of this book later in September - let me know of your interest and I'll get you more details as we figure it out - and if you're not here in the area - take a few minutes and check out the online resources and the book. What do you have to lose but your fears?
“The promise of Christ and the contention of this book are simple:
we can fear less tomorrow than we do today.” Max Lucado


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