What? There are no coffee filters?!!

(Some of you already know what's coming given my addiction to love of coffee!)

Let me set the scene.
We'd gotten home at 10:30 pm Labor Day night after being gone for six weeks.
The car was unloaded and everything put into piles on any and all available floor space.
Six am wake up as it is the first day of school.
Everyone actually manages to get out the door on time, having eaten breakfast, finding their bike helmets and carrying all their new school supplies in their backpacks.
I, after taking the first day of school pictures, (standing on the sidewalk in my pajamas of course!) go back inside and survey the chaos.
Six weeks of dust and cobwebs, plus the "throw a van load of stuff in the house" plus the mayhem of a typical school morning equals I need a plan and COFFEE!!!

I fill the carafe with water, select my flavor for the day (hazelnut) and pick up the coffee filter box only to find that it is EMPTY!


For several years I'd been ordering coffee from the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and with every order they included a free box of filters so I haven't bought filters in years. But I'd stopped getting coffee so I knew there were no more spare boxes of filters... This particular pot used a cone filter, and it's the only one that does so even if there are more filters around the house they would be the basket kind (which make great snowflakes when folded and cut btw).

I start looking anyway just in case and in less than a minute I find an unopened package of cone filters from the store!! I have no idea when or why I'd bought them as I for years have had all these boxes of these free filters but at that moment all I knew is that I was going to get my coffee! Hurray!

So now as I sit down with my coffee, growing "To Do" List, and Bible I read in Luke 12 (selected phrases)

"So I tell you don't worry about your everyday life - for life consists in far more than food and clothing - Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? - If God cares so wonderfully for the flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't He more surely care for you? - Your Father already knows your needs. He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern"

He will give you all you need from day to day... coffee filters included I guess! And if God, who knew my needs and provided those mysterious filters, took care of such a small thing who am I to doubt that He will also provide everything else I need today?

Time to get to more coffee (!) and to take advantage of His strength for my day!


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