Do they get that from me?

Tonight as Katie and I were picking up some groceries we came to the rack with Hot French bread (which wasn’t) and Katie wanted to get some and eat it on the way home saying that she wouldn’t have minded living like the kids in the The Boxcar Children books, only having bread and milk, because bread was just so good!

Hmm…I both do the same thing and feel the same way but I know I’ve never shared that with her before.

My son is always concerned that he is wasting his time as he weighs everything in terms of how much time is this going to take… and that too sounds very familiar...

Are they getting this from me?

I read today about the fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Goodness, Meekness, Self-control, – are those showing up in my life because I’m spending time hanging out with my Savior? These are not supposed to be things we’re “working on” as believers – they are the natural fruit of the indwelling of the Spirit. Am I fruitful?

When someone witnesses my life do they wonder, “Did she get that from her Father?”


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