Last Day of School

One of the fantastic things about having school age children in the number of "new year" days you get in a year.
There is the new school year in the first day of school.
There is New Year's Day that we all celebrate on January 1st.
And then there is the last day of school and first day of summer vacation!!!
See what I mean?
And every time there is a "new year" day there's a chance to pause and look back. Today I've realized we've made it through another school year.

All the projects have been done, and even most of the homework managed to get back to the teacher...!
The play is over, the concerts have finished, and a billion soccer and basketball games have been played.
Every girl friend problem has been figured out.
It's all done. Safely through another year, no matter how overwhelming it was at times we are now on the finished side of it.

All the things I worried about, over.
All the concerns that made me crazy, settled.
Will this start all over again the day after Labor Day?
I hope not!

But yes, all the activities will start again. Again the calender will be filled with times of practices and reminders of projects but I hope that I will remember what I've realized on this last day of school as I've looked back over the year. God's grace and goodness has accompanied me every step of the way . His mercies truly have been new every morning and I've experienced the greatness of His faithfulness!

So as I buy the school supplies (which are probably already on sale!) to start again in September, I will also remember that He has supplied all my needs.


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