There is a man named Don Casey

There was a man named Job.

He was a godly man
(...that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil - Job 1:1)

A careful man
(When the days of the feast had run their course Job would rise early...and offer burnt offerings...For Job said, 'It may be that my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts' Job 1:5)

A faithful man
 (...this Job did continually. Job 1: 5)

A man blessed by God.
(...this man was the greatest of all the people of the east. Job 1: 3)
but then, apparently, he wasn't.

His children were crushed when the house collapsed, enemies and fire destroyed all the animals and servants.
He was a man suddenly engulfed by calamity and inundated by infirmities; covered in boils from head to foot.

His wife told him to curse God and die.

His friends told him all he had done to deserve such judgement from God.

And Job wondered about it all and  asked God "Why?".

There is a man named Don Casey.

A godly man
who has faithfully prayed through his list of every girl he'd ever coached through decades of volleyball 

A careful man
who was juicing, taking vitamins and watching his health long before it became the popular thing to do- often at no small expense filling the team water bottles with juice because it was good for his girls.

A faithful man
who at every practice took time to pray and share God's Word. And who hasn't heard him quote numerous times the verse he emulated"Moreover it is required in a steward that a man be found faithful." I Corinthians 4:2

A man blessed by God
until apparently he is not.

A case of shingles that went long undiagnosed and then years in the healing, a blood clot, a hernia, stomach trouble causing an inability to eat without pain and this life long athlete and health advocate has suffered  a downward spiral of  physical abilities, mental focus, and fervent faith.

His wife has taken loving care of him.

And Don has wondered "Why?"
Why would God be letting this happen to one who has lived clean, served faithfully, and loved extensively?

And his friends...
His friends love him.
But his friend  need to beseech heaven now for him as he has for them, begging God to send healing and peace.

The giant of a man is now so frail my hug today nearly knocked him over and my heart broke to hear his anguish.

There is a man named Don Casey, an incredible man, a suffering man, who needs our prayer.


Unknown said…
It's funny how just today I was praying for Don as I drove to work. The was nothing but great to me and I so wish I could have been half the man he was/is. He also help introduce me to my wonderful wife. Don will be in my prayers.
Kimmie said…
Thanks for sharing, Becky. I will continue praying for him. Kim
Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing, Becky. I will pray for his restoration.

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