Clean Feet

As the temperature has returned to the HOT range these last days of summer vacation, I spend this afternoon in the water with my kids.

While I was there, floating and frolicking, I realized two things; this was the first time I’d done this all summer and my feet were really clean!

I’m a “feet on the ground” kind of girl – as soon as it’s temperate enough my shoes are off which means for roughly six months of the year I’m either barefoot or in flip-flops!

Consequently my feet are never really clean – as in pristine or without a ground in kind of dirt residue; showers and quick swipes of the washcloth can’t completely get the job done.

But today I have clean feet because I went and played; enjoying the water for an extended time.

We are all "feet constantly on the ground" people; barely one problem is solved before another takes its place and the days turn into weeks and suddenly whole seasons have passed us.

We rarely have time to revel, to play, to just unwind enough to not realize, or care!, how much time has passed and all the things that could have been accomplished.

And if we don’t have play time like that we most certainly don’t have time like that to spend with the Lord.

I love the idea of women’s retreats – time away from normal responsibilities to spend with friends and really focus on the Lord; but even in these rare opportunities it’s still hard to immerse yourself in the waters of grace and  be carried away on the gentle current of His love.

It takes extended time to keep our hearts fresh and clean; free from the residue of life’s circumstances and experiences that have ground blackness into our souls.

I wish I knew a way to provide such an extended time to you. I know the psalmist had similar desires when he wrote, “This one thing I ask of the Lord- the thing I seek most- is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His temple.” Psalm 27:4,5

Can we live in the house of the Lord? Even though we dwell here can our hearts be in residence in His presence? We know we are always in the presence of God for He has said that He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) so the question is are we aware that we’re always in God’s presence? And if we can cultivate that awareness can delighting in His nearness be far behind?

Can He give us, we who slog through daily through life, clean feet?


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