Summer of the Snow Cone

I wondered how the syrup was going to last all summer-seeing that each bottle was more expensive than the shaver and at that price I really didn't want to be replacing them.
My worries were in vain for as the temperatures cooled so did the demand and now on this 55 degree last morning of summer you can see (from the photo) that I had more than just enough.
We have these situations that demand every last resource we have; all of our strength, patience, discernment, energy and spiritual character. Seeing the road ahead is long the question is how can I keep this up? I don't have enough.
Although this verse specifically talks about temptation the principle is true for any situation that overwhelms us because the underlying truth is "God is faithful who will not allow you to (suffer/experience/bear) beyond what you are able".
God is faithful.
He knows our hearts.
He knows our capacity.
He knows how to make sure we have enough to persevere to the end.