Fall Frolics

Ah, it's fall in the Midwest and, along with the apple picking and pumpkin choosing, it is the season of corn mazes.
It must have been some very enterprising farmer who thought to cut mazes into the browned out fields  before they were harvested for winter feed. The concept is simple. You enter the field at the appointed point and find your way to the exit point.  Sometimes there is a map, often there are only clues, and you, and rows and rows of corn...

There is a path, a way out, a solution; however, the trick is avoiding all the dead ends and paths that lead to nowhere...

From the air it's much easier to determine the correct route out
It's a whole different story though from ground level!

We live at ground level.
We live being able to see only the path directly in front of us, the rest of our perspective shielded by circumstances that surround us.

When we feel we're wandering aimlessly it is good to remember that the course of our lives is clear to the Almighty; that He knows the way that we take (Job 23:10-12) and He is directing our steps (Proverbs 3:6)

Often I feel I've progressed so little! It all seems the same as when I've started although my journey has been long. All I can do is continue to put my trust in the One whose thoughts and ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8) and know that He has never lost one of His own and will safely bring me home ( John 18:19).


Unknown said…
Our way is shielded by the obstacles and circumstances in front of us, but it is all clear to God - because He has a view from above. Love this! Great encouragement today, Becky!

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