
John, in his gospel, had a label. It’s how he identifies himself but it also seems that this term defined his life.
He calls himself as “the one whom Jesus loved”. It’s used numerous times in his gospel. At first glance it seems a bit ostentatious to call himself the disciple Jesus loves but… isn’t it the truth?
This is how John saw himself.
Not as a disciple, son of thunder, fisherman, or Galilean but as the one Jesus loves.
How do we know this?
Look where we find him.
He is the one always at Jesus’ side: he’s part of the inner three, next to Jesus at the last supper, still with Him even at the foot of the cross and given the care of Mary, and with Peter Easter morning at the tomb peering in at the folded grave clothes and believing. John is the one who, when the disciples are fishing after the resurrection, recognizes that it is the Lord on the shore asking them if they’ve gotten any fish.
John viewed himself as loved and therefore lived his life loving Christ.
If we viewed ourselves in the same way, wouldn’t we also live our life in the same manner; close to His side and recognizing Him?
If you knew down deep in your heart that you were _________(your name here) the one Jesus loves, how would it change your perceptions and therefore how you live your life?
It’s true. You know it is.
Now live conscious of it. Revel in it. You are the one Jesus loves.